About the University of Vermont Press

Fully funded by the university, the University of Vermont Press uses a diamond open access model to ensure free readership, free authorship, and immediate online, global access to all its published titles.

The UVM Press is a diamond open access, born-digital university press that publishes peer-reviewed journals, books, and special projects in support of the university’s distinctive research strengths—the health of our environment and our societies.

We operate in support of the fundamental mission of all academic libraries: to make knowledge and information freely available and readily accessible to everyone in need. That mission often stands at odds with the current, inequitable system of scholarly publishing, which passes costs on to researchers and readers. Through the UVM Press, the University of Vermont Libraries are creating new ways for local and global patrons to access information. We are also participants in the global movement to develop sustainable practices in scholarly publication.

The UVM Press serves the community. The University of Vermont is a land-grant institution founded for the public at large. The UVM Press makes scholarly research available to all—our local, national, and global community members.

The UVM Press shares essential information. We recognize the connection between higher education and a healthy democracy and commit to making our published research accessible to all.

The UVM Press encourages diversity of thought. We provide a venue for completing views to engage in conversation. The UVM Press models the types of thoughtful, rigorous, factually informed debate in increasingly short supply in the public square.

The UVM Press improves understanding. Our publications enhance understanding of the liberal arts, environment, health, and public service. 

Our History

Formerly an imprint of University Press of New England, a university press consortium that published and distributed print books from 1970 to 2018, the UVM Press relaunched in 2023 as a division of the UVM Libraries, funded by the University of Vermont. Today’s UVM Press is fully digital and publishes books and journals under a diamond open access model.